MOE Magazine: September 2014


Cover page of the magazine
Cover page of the magazine.

Pages 4 and 5

Pages 4 and 5 of the magazine
Pages 4 and 5 of the magazine

Pages 6 and 7

Pages 6 and 7 of the magazine
Pages 6 and 7 of the magazine

Pages 8 and 9

Pages 8 and 9 of the magazine
Pages 8 and 9 of the magazine

Pages 10 and 11

Pages 10 and 11 of the magazine
Pages 10 and 11 of the magazine

Pages 12 and 13

Pages 12 and 13 of the magazine
Pages 12 and 13 of the magazine

Pages 14 and 15

Pages 14 and 15 of the magazine
Pages 14 and 15 of the magazine

Pages 16 and 17

Pages 16 and 17 of the magazine
Pages 16 and 17 of the magazine

Pages 18 and 19

Pages 18 and 19 of the magazine
Pages 18 and 19 of the magazine

Pages 20 and 21

Pages 20 and 21 of the magazine
Pages 20 and 21 of the magazine

Pages 22 and 23

Pages 22 and 23 of the magazine
Pages 22 and 23 of the magazine


原作『思い出のマーニー』で、アンナとマーニーが出会う「リトル・オーーバートン」は、イギリス・ノーフォーク州バーナム・オーモデルルです。 ロンドンからら北東へ車を走らせること3時間、いくつもの丘と牧草地を超えると、海辺の小さな集落にたとりつきます。 「ここは母がマーニーを書いた頃と何も変わっていないのよ」 と、笑顔で出迎えてくれたのは、作者のジョーン・G・ロビンソンの長女、デボラ・シェパードさん。 普段はロンドンに住んでいますが、この村にもコテージを所有しています。


ロビンソンは、両親共に法廷弁護士 というアカデミックな家庭の、4人きょうだいの2番目として生まれました。物質的には恵まれていましたが、決して幸せな子ども時代ではありませんでした。

A loving childhood

"Little Overton", where Anna and Marnie meet in the original "When Marnie Was There", is Burnham Overy, Norfolk, England. Driving northeast of London for three hours, crossing a number of hills and meadows, you'll find yourself in a small seaside village.

"It's nothing different from when my mother wrote Marnie," said Deborah Shepherd, the eldest daughter of the author, Joan G. Robinson, with a smile. She lives in London, but also owns a cottage in this village. "I've been here since my childhood, with my parents taking me to camping in a caravan in the summer."

Robinson was born as the second of four siblings in an academic family where both parents were lawyers. She was born healthy, but didn't have a happy childhood. [...]

があったそうです。税くの寄宿学校に通っていた小学生時代、学期の終わりに、学校に誰も迎えに来ませんでした。 遠い道のりを一人で戻ってみると、家のドアを開けたお手伝いさんが『どなたですかっ』と言ったのだそう。 祖母は、母の学期終わりを全く忘れていた上、お手伝いさんに母のことを話していなかったんです。なので『ボ思い出のマーニー]の主人公のアンナは、母そのもの。 そんをな幼少期を過ごしたので、母は、自分の家庭をもったとき、『愛情溢れる家庭にする』という強い決意があったようです。 実際、私たらちは笑顔の絶えない仲よし家族でした」


「母の本は、⟨幼児向け絵本⟩ ⟨子ども向け児童書⟩ ⟨ローティーン向け長炉作⟩の3種類に分けられます。 『思いゃ出のマーニー』は、ローティーン向け。 絵を描かいたいという思いからはじまりましたが、やがて執筆へと広がっていきました」

[...] She attended a boarding school. She remembered a time where at the end of the school term, no one had came to pick her up. After walking a long way back home, alone, a maid opened the door and said who's that? My grandmother not only forgot about her, but didn't even mention her to the maid. So, Anna, the hero of When Marnie Was There Marnie, is my mother. Having spent such a childhood, it seems when it came to having her own family she had a strong determination to make it a loving home. As such, my family was all smiles.

Robinson wasn't good at studying people, but she loved to draw. She began doing illustrations for greeting cards, and later published her first book in 1939, 29 years prior [To Marnie].

“Mother's books are divided into three types: Picture books for young children; Children's books for children; Long-form works for older children. Shet started from doing illustrations, but eventually it developed to writing.


Born in Buckinghamshire, England (1910-1988). Studied at Chelsea Illustration Studio. She started doing illustrations before writing her own stories. She had worked on many books, including picture books and older children's literature.


Born in 1943 in Hampstead, London. The eldest daughter of Joan G. Robinson. Deborah serves as the model for a girl who appears in the Teddy Robinson series, which is one of Robinson's works.


A grain house that was the model for the Marsh House. It tooks just as it did 50 years ago, overlooking the water.


ジョーン・G・ロビンソンン/作 松野正子/訳

特装版 岩波書店 本体1400円+税

岩波少年文庫(上)(下) 本体各540円+税

傷つきやすい心をかたく義ざし、ロンドンから海治いの村にある養母の知人の家にやっ てきたアンナ。浜辺で出会った不思議な少女、マーニーと「ひみつの友だち」になったこと から、アンナの世界は次第に変わりはじめる。特装版は、娘のデボラさんのメッセージ、臨 床心理学者の河合隼雄さんの解説を収録。

When Marnie Was There

Joan G. Robinson / Translated by Masako Matsuno

Special Edition Iwanami Shoten 1400 yen + tax

Iwanami Shoten Edition (top) (bottom) 540 yen + tax

With a vulnerable heart, Anna leaves London to stay with an old friend of her adoptive mother in a seaside village. Anna's world begins to change as she becomes a secret friend of Marnie, a mysterious girl she meets on the beach. The special edition includes a foreword from her daughter, Deborah, and commentary from a clinical psychologist, Hayao Kawai


The movie When Marnie Was There is based on a British children's book. We visited the setting of the original story and asked Deborah, the eldest daughter of the author, to talk about her memories with her mother.


Burnham Overy shows a variety of moods even just walking a little across along the staithe. Locals enjoy boating, walking, and bird watching.


Burnham Overy is about one and a half hours by train from London King Cross Station. Get off at King Lynn's Station and then take a one hour bus ride.


A boat floating in the creek. The shape of the marsh changes every day due to the ebb and flow of the tide. When you take the boat along the rugged marsh, you will eventually come out to sea.